Mel Maynard, the mother of Manchester United star, Marcus Rashford, for the first time during an interview with BBC Breakfast show, opened up about the struggles that are behind her son’s motivation and drive to campaign against child poverty.
I had three jobs and if I didn’t do that we just wouldn’t have been able to cook a pot of food. It was just a bit difficult. So Marcus is only telling the story from how he sees it and the words that he’s been saying, they obviously come from the bottom of his heart. Sometimes it was really bad. I’d rather give the food to the kids rather than give it to myself. Sometimes I didn’t get anything to eat and they’d ask me ‘have you had yours?’ I’d say yeah but I didn’t. Sometimes we didn’t even have a loaf of bread in the house. It’s embarrassing to say but we didn’t.
Mel Maynard
Marcus Rashford told BBC that his struggles motivated his drive to succeed as an athlete.
All them struggles and sacrifices that you made, it helps you appreciate everything like ten times more. So I don’t see it as a weakness because I think in sport you have to have something behind you that’s pushing you. When you come from a place of struggle and a place of pain, a lot of the time it switches and it becomes your drive and motivation
Marcus Rashford
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