Young man is watching his girlfriends phone over her shoulder while they are laying in bed (istockphoto)
Relationships could be tasking and demanding. Lovers go through ups and downs. At times, infidelity might be unavoidable, no matter how much the other partner tries to make things work. A partner might feel cheated and lonely in a relationship and will tend to suspect the behavior of the other party.
There are likely signs that your partner might be cheating on you.
Gets Clingy With Her Phone
When your partner starts hiding their phones from you, change their password, and takes the phone along with them everywhere they go, this might be an indication that she is probably seeing someone else.
When She Gets Provoked At The Slightest Mistake
When your partner begins to flare up at any available opportunity especially when you commit an error that ordinarily shouldn’t raise dust, but she extremely gets mad at you, it might be a sign that they are probably tired of putting up with you and perhaps with someone else.
Declining Dates With You
Another sign of a cheating partner may be that they no longer want to go out on dates or hangouts like they used to do. The reason may not be farfetched, there could be a skeleton in the cupboard.
When She Begins To Hide You From Her Clique
An excited lover would defiantly display you to the world. She wants her friends, family, and relatives to meet the one she is obsessed with. However, when it takes a twist and she no longer introduces you to her friends, begins to give reasons why she has not introduced you to any of her new found friends or acquaintance, then it might be a sign that she is cheating on you.
Gives Excuses For Not Chatting Or Calling You
Lovers are known for their constant chit-chats and calls. Communication gaps could be caused by work or undue stress. However, when the gap gets prolonged and she continues to make excuse for not chatting or calling, she might have gotten a new partner that satisfies her more.
Buys You Gifts And Treats You Extraordinarily
Another sign to lookout for might probably be when your partner begins to get you gifts you never asked for. They become overly nice and caring. They might be doing this as a way of appealing your emotions or trying to beat their conscience since their loyalty no longer belongs solely to you.