Having tummy fat does not just make your outfit tighter on you, it is not good for your health. Visceral fat is a type of tummy fat that can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and other health conditions.
When you gain too much fat, your body stores the fat in places that it shouldn’t be. So, you need to burn your tummy fat because even when you are slim, you may still have belly fat.
Even when all you do is to walk a long distance to the extent that you breathe faster, your heart rate increases, and sweat, you have exercised. You should exercise for at least 30 minutes, 5 times per week.
You can also jog, work out on treadmills and do other exercises which will work well in reducing your tummy fat. The key is to do it consistently and be actively fit.
When you start a diet on weight loss, your yummy fat should go first. Eating enough fiber will help you and you can do that by eating apples, green peas, beans, etc. High fiber food should be eaten.
Sleep More
Sleeping well cannot be overemphasized when it comes to your general health and losing visceral fat. Getting 6 to 7 hours of sleep daily will help reduce your tummy fat, this was confirmed in a study that was conducted.
Deal With Stress
I know that we all deal with one form of stress or another in our lives. But, you should try to find a way and relax with your family or loved ones, exercise and try to be happy. You could also meditate or take counseling on how to live a stress-free life this year.